Inspiring Canadian Girls To

code, create, and become the tech leaders of tomorrow.

Inspiring Canadian Girls To

code, create, and become the tech leaders of tomorrow.

Inspiring Canadian Girls To

code, create, and become the tech leaders of tomorrow.

Inspiring Canadian Girls To

code, create and become the leaders of tomorrow

We are creating a Canada where girls* have the education, community, and confidence to become leaders in computer science and technology. Together, we are closing the gender gap in tech.

…And we’re having tons of fun along the way!

Come join us or donate to help make our mission a reality.

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A safe, welcoming online space to learn coding

Reimagine coding education with Hackergal Hub! Through interactive lessons, videos, and projects, our free online learning portal equips girls with the tools to lead their own coding journey. Hackergal Hub makes learning fun, accessible, and engaging for learners and educators alike!

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An awesome, inclusive annual Hackathon

You’re invited to Canada’s largest all-girls Hackathon! Every year, girls across the nation gather in-person and virtually to make friends, learn valuable tech skills, and build confidence through fun challenges and activities. It’s an empowering, life-changing week filled with problem-solving activities you won’t want to miss.

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Training & mentorship for future tech leaders

Join the movement to change the face of tech in Canada! Our Hackergal Ambassador Program brings together future STEM leaders from across the country. You’ll learn from Hackergal educators, meet motivational mentors, and build a network that will last a lifetime.

“This has been a great opportunity and a place where there has been a lot of support and encouragement from other girls that are interested in the tech field. Being a part of this has boosted my confidence and allowed me to learn from others as well as sharing what I’ve learnt too.”


Hackergal Ambassador

“I loved that I met and learned about so many different women in STEM/Tech and I am so much more confident knowing that a lot of people failed in life and still made it in their dream job.”


Jamia L.
Grade 6 Learner

“The Hackathon has impacted me in a positive way. It has shown me that coding isn’t just letters or numbers but also helping others! I was also encouraged to look into more STEM+ fields.”

Anna S.
Grade 7 Learner

“I have more confidence in teaching coding but more importantly, seeing the excitement and leadership develop in girls who learn to code while problem-solving collaboratively is really such a joy to witness.”

Tanya Roberts,
Teacher at Sawmill Creek ES

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