Hackergal visits North Battleford, Saskatchewan!

avril 30, 2024

On March 18th, Hackergal’s Interim Bilingual Program Manager, Lynne Savage, and Interim Executive Director, Rebecca Hazell, delivered a teacher training workshop in North Battleford, Saskatchewan. The session brought together educators across the Living Sky Division at North Battleford Comprehensive High School where they learned all about bringing Hackergal’s free and accessible coding programming into their classrooms!

In addition to digging deeper into Hackergal’s mission and impact, participating educators practiced their text-based coding skills – including animation – using the Lynx Coding Platform. For some, it was their first experience learning how to code; their success after only a couple hours was very impressive! Educators collaborated on how to host a Coding Club in their schools, and plan a Division-wide 13th Annual Hackergal Hackathon at the end of May.

Hackergal is proud to support learners eager to build their coding and digital skills in Saskatchewan! We look forward to more in-person programming with the Living Sky Division in the years to come.


IMG 9358 Hackergal visits North Battleford, Saskatchewan!

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