Hackergal Programs: STEAM Education and Online Coding Classes for Girls* in Canada

Learn code. Make friends. Join the movement.

With exciting events, online resources, and a like-minded community, Hackergal inspires you to become the future of technology.

Attend a Hackathon

The Hackergal Hackathon is Canada’s largest all-girls Hackathon! Join thousands of learners from across the country for this dynamic annual event.

The Hackathon is a one-of-a-kind experience where girls and girl-identified learners (grades 6 to 9) get together, learn from each other, and code with purpose.

Our next Hackathon is scheduled for May 2024. More information is available here.

Girls participated in previous Hackergal Hackathons!

Schools and organizations joined the movement!

Creative projects coded by girls across Canada!

Learn to Code on Hackergal Hub

With our free online learning portal, you can learn code from home, school, the library or…well, pretty much anywhere!

Is your school, organization, or homeschool enrolled with Hackergal hub? Use your 5-digit code to sign up now.

Not part of a Hackergal Hub organization yet? Let’s help you get started! Just contact us here and we’ll connect with your school, teacher, or parent to get you set up.

hours of course content in English and French

video tutorials on coding and digital skills available

schools, boards/divisions, and community organizations delivering coding education on Hackergal Hub

Become an Ambassador!

Hackergal’s Ambassador Program equips girls with the skills, tools, and confidence to change the Canadian tech landscape.

As an Ambassador, you’ll meet tons of like-minded friends, take part in exclusive workshops, and become a leader in your school community. This is the ultimate way to join the Hackergal movement!

“The Hackergal Ambassador Program serves as a peak into the STEM field. It introduces ambassadors to many currently working in tech by providing numerous Q&A’s – something extremely helpful to girls even considering working in STEM. It also creates a safe community where everyone is learning together 24/7. Without the Hackergal Ambassador Program, I definitely can say I would feel a lot less confident pursuing STEM next year at university, and I feel so fortunate to have been given this amazing opportunity. – Aleksandra, Hackergal Ambassador.”


Hackergal Ambassador

“I think these programs are needed because not only do they teach girls what STEM is and break down the stigma around it, they provide girls with role models to look up to and be inspired by. I, for one, decided to go into STEM because I attended a STEM outreach program at UBC when I was younger and decided that the people who built model rockets were so cool that I wanted to be just like them when I was older. I think Hackergal provides girls with the exact same opportunities to explore something new and understand what being a woman in STEM is really like.”

Hackergal Ambassador

“As an Ambassador, I started a small coding club at my school, so I am especially proud of my own community. The learners have demonstrated a passion for coding and were always eager to learn more. They have decided to continue to learn even after the Hackathon and I am so proud of that. Not only their coding, but how they’ve come together as friends.”


Hackergal Ambassador

Hackergal testimonial bk For Learners

Join the Movement!

Over 26,000 girls have participated in Hackergal events and programs across Canada!

Join the movement by following us on social media or signing up for our newsletter below.